Advanced Space Planning
of desks are in use at any one time.
average cost of providing a desk per year.
average increase in utilization with Serraview.
Maximize Your Space Performance Today
We believe spreadsheets, post-it-notes, Powerpoint presentations aren't enough to manage and plan your space. Even traditional IWMS systems are limited in their ability to help you strategically manage growing business demands for space. With Serraview Space Planning you'll be equipped with interactive dashboards that highlight space optimization opportunities, data you can stand behind to make informed, fact-based decisions and increase business leader's confidence in your strategic management of your firm's real estate.
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Space Planning Features

Data-Driven Space Planning
In our solution, space planning begins with your current state – AutoCAD files are imported into the system, fully polylined.
Our Visual Block and Stack (or VBS) is at the heart of our tool, helping you to visualize your accommodation data. Designed to flow the same way space planners work, VBS provides drag-and-drop tools to quickly and easy manage space allocations from teams down to the employee’s names per seats.
To ensure data accuracy, we integrate with your HR and Finance systems to keep reference data up to date. Going a step further, our workplace portal crowd-sources and validates information from your business, allowing you to effectively manage charge-back of space without an excessive data-management overhead, or ever having to go back to CAD to reassign a seat.

Comprehensive Space Utilization Solutions
In order to fully understand your building’s utilization, we layer in comprehensive and real-time activity data from your existing badge-swipes, sensors, beacons or PC presence technologies.
As a result, you have an accurate picture of both planned and actual activity – exactly what you need to build your business case with your C-Suite around optimum space usage.

Strategic Scenario Planning
Scenario planning projects allow you to quickly right-size space allocations based on occupancy and utilization rates as well as remove vacancies.
In our solution you can drag-and-drop groups around to restack your buildings, move groups between different sites, apply seating ratios, take headcount forecasts and ideally clear entire floors. All the while, our system keeps track of all your movements, provides you with intuitive before and after reports and gives you the tools to smoothly execute on your relocation projects.
Reimagine Your Workplace™
Contact us today by calling 1-800-903-3716 or filling out the form below.