
Serraview Now Available in Canada

We at Serraview are very pleased to announce that in partnership with Toronto based Insight Management, our acclaimed Space Planning, Relocation Management and Smart Environments tools are now available in Canada.

Sholem Prasow, the founding director of Insight Management is equally as excited, “When I first saw the Serraview system I was immediately impressed by the speed of setup and ease of use – immediately transferrable to time saved and dollars of costs avoided compared to what I’ve seen in the Canadian market.

To establish the partnership, Sholem spent a number of weeks at Serraview’s Melbourne HQ to visit with the team, understand our company values, visit our flagship Australian clients and cement a close relationship with the Serraview HQ team.

“What I was most impressed with was by the even greater appreciation of those attributes by clients and end users — clients were proud of their choice in Serraview and eager to do even more with its ever advancing capabilities!”

Based in Toronto, Sholem and Insight Management will be available full time on the ground in Canada. Combined with Serraview’s New York based team, we are looking forward to offering our North American customers our very best levels of service.

We would love to hear how you are currently managing your organisation’s workspace, the challenges you are facing and where you see the opportunity. We have a wealth of experience to share from some of the world’s leaders in workplace management and design.

Please contact us now ( to set up a complimentary demonstration.

About Insight Management

Sholem Prasow, the founder of Insight Management, (a Toronto based company) was educated in Engineering Science at the University of Toronto and Operations Research at the Wharton School.  Previous to Insight Management, he has had 20 years of industry sales and relationship management experience as Vice President of Business Development at Teknion. He has been a frequent contributor to industry publications and a speaker at industry conferences in the areas of Workplace, Project Management, Sustainability, Education and Healthcare. Sholem has been awarded an Honorary Membership by the Association of Registered Designers of Ontario for his educational contributions to the design community. Together with Insight Management and Serraview, Sholem is now dedicated to fostering a new level of excitement around the opportunities to optimize workspace efficiency within Canada.

Sholem Prasow
Founding Director, Insight Management
+1 (647) 226 3892


Serraview Signs 1st US Client

Exciting times at the CoreNet Global conference in Vegas this year for our official launch into the North American market.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for a Serraview Blue Martini at our Ice Martini Bar on the Monday night.


We’re also very excited to announce that during the conference we signed our first US customer.

2014 is set to be an exceptional year, we can’t wait to bring our strengths to this market and continue developing in new areas.


Join us at CoreNet Global Summit

Serraview Co-Founder Ian Morley presents at CoreNet Global Summit Las Vegas Oct 2013.

Ian is one of Australia’s leading experts in Workplace Management solutions. He has over ten years’ experience developing SaaS solutions, and has spent the last seven building Serraview’s easy to use intuitive tools.

He understands the difficult problem facing CRE professionals when it comes to identifying how much space business units actually need, not to mention keeping track of this on an on-going basis.

Ian has driven the development of the Serraview solution which has simplified this task and brought the answer into clear focus for both property groups and the business as a whole.

He will be sharing practical examples of how Serraview are enabling the Workplace of the Future and unlocking millions of dollars in savings for their Australian clients through easy to use drag & drop scenario planning tools and real time utilisation reporting.

As we launch our market leading workplace management and optimisation solutions into the US market, come and learn how we help our customers and partners in corporate real estate to simplify the complexity of workplace management and see the opportunities what would otherwise go unseen.


Serraview Presents at Worktech NY

Last Wednesday, I had the pleasure of presenting a Masterclass at the Worktech event in New York City.

Having attended several Worktech events in the past, I had become frustrated. Although the events are always very successful in showcasing the art of the possible when it comes to workplace design, they often don’t include much practical advice in terms of actually working towards the delivery of the Workplace of the Future – an area that we have been working in over the last decade with some of Australia’s largest companies and government departments. The very companies who were recognised at the New York conference as being on the cutting edge of workplace delivery.

Examples of Modern Australian Workplaces

(Examples of Modern Australian Workplaces)

In our experience, delivering the Workplace of the Future is an ongoing cycle of continual improvement:

  • Measuring your baseline – in terms of current capacity, space allocation and utilisation
  • Planning for the future – in terms of business growth, synergies, working styles and space utilization
  • Executing against your plans – through the efficient management and delivery of major and minor relocation projects; and
  • Facilitating superb staff engagement with your workplace and real estate team

Our technology is available to assist with every step of the cycle:


But why would you embark down this technology path? Because as our clients have found:

  • When you have tools that enable efficient operations within your property team, your staff move from being reactive to proactive. They are freed up from continually being on the back foot & fighting fires; to a strategic position where they are able to offer a higher level of customer service and value to the business;
  • When you have tools and processes in place to engage with your business units, new levels of trust are developed that facilitate greater levels of co-operation between the business and property teams. These improved relationships are key to the smooth implementation of change programs;
  • With accurate data at hand, your property team is able to make smarter decisions – in particular around key leasing options; target occupancy ratios; and business unit synergies
  • The end result? Huge bottom line savings (we have identified over 12 value leavers that have been realised by our clients)

I was really pleased to see that the challenges our clients have been facing in Australia resonated with our friends in America; and that our solutions were immediately seen to be a cut above anything else on the market.

I met a lot of great people at the conference and look forward to working together in the future.

Ian Morley
Co-founder and Director of Business Development


Serraview: One of Australia’s Fastest Growing Companies

In an exciting achievement, Serraview has debuted at number 72 on the 2012 BRW Fast 100. We are also only one of five companies on the list to have been established without seed funding.

We are incredibly proud to have built such a successful company. We now have more than 25 staff and 3,200 active users a month. Serraview was created with hard work, dedication and organic growth based on customers and partners who believed in us and our vision to transform workplace management together.

The 2012 BRW Fast 100 list ranks Australia’s fastest growing, public and private, small and medium businesses over three financial years. This year’s list covers the period beginning FY 2009 – the same 12 month period that saw the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the S&P/ASX 200 sink to its lowest in six years. During this time of tough economic conditions Serraview has seen its strongest growth.

On behalf of everyone at Serraview, we would like to thank our customers, partners and suppliers for their ongoing support.

The Serraview Management Team